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One of our most recent upgrades is this state of the art veneer splicer. This machine joins the leaves of veneer by gluing the 0.6mm edges together for a clean and almost seamless joint. A very effective and efficient process which will increase our capacity as well as providing the highest manufacturing standards.

#oak #wallpanelling #wallpanels #cncwoodworking #bespokefurniture #bespokekitchen #kitchendesign #veneer #walnut #interiordesign #interiordetailing #joinery #bespokejoinery #veneering #architecture #workshop

We offer the very best selection of fluted, reeded and grooved panels machined in natural solid hardwoods including oak and walnut.

#fluted #curved #wallpanels #kitchendesign #bespokejoinery #interiordesign #walnut #reeded #grooves #architecture #oak

Setting out some solid walnut with reeded profile for a project.

#reeded #fluted #cncmachining #bespokekitchen #wallpanelling #wallpanels #cncwoodworking #bespokefurniture #reededkitchen #bespokekitchen #kitchendesign #flutedcabinets #flutedpanel #interiordesign #interiordetailing #joinery #bespokejoinery #flutedkitchen #receptiondesk #walnutkitchen #architecture #architecturelovers #winchester #interiordesign #bar#reededdoors #reededwalnut

A variety of the finest reeded and fluted profiles machined in solid hardwoods including ash, oak and walnut. Suitable for all interior applications including kitchens, furniture, wall panelling and much more.

#fluted #reeded #fluting #kitchendesign #interiordesign #bespokekitchen #flutedkitchen #receptiondesk #bar #architecture #bespokefurniture #architecturaldesign #wallpanelling #acoustic #kitchenisland

A variety of fluted, reeded and grooved oak and ash panels for projects. All available in sheets or cut to size.

#fluted #reeded #fluting #kitchendesign #interiordesign #bespokekitchen #flutedkitchen #receptiondesk #bar #architecture #architecturaldesign #wallpanelling #acoustic

Who we are

The Surface.Studio is part of Minimo. A family business established in 1982 providing bespoke joinery for design professionals  for projects in the UK and abroad.

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